"ICE CUTTER" Ice Melter 50LB
Ice Cutter™ combines the most effective deicing ingredients; creating the desired reaction to initiate deicing and meltdown. Ice Cutter™ when pre-applied prevents snow and ice from bonding to the surface area. As Ice Cutter™ goes to work, its time released formula stays on the surface area longer, helping to control the freeze/thaw cycle. Ice Cutter™ goes after the ice and snow; clearing the way to safety. Ice Cutter™ provides safe, no slip protection on steps, sidewalks and driveways.
Delivery Schedule and Fees
We’re proud to offer quick shipping services across Quebec with a 1-3 business day turnaround, all at competitive pricing. Our delivery schedule is as follows:
Montreal: Delivery on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
Laval: Delivery on Wednesday.
Southshore: Delivery on Thursday.